Channel: Amanda Seyfried
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Who wants to have sex with Channing Tatum? "Everyone"

Amanda Seyfried isn't shy about expressing her carnal desires for former co-star Channing Tatum. Why? She knows everyone else feels the same way.

Amanda Seyfried talks Channing Tatum

Want to have sex with the Sexiest Man Alive, aka Channing Tatum?

You're hardly the first — or the last — to feel that way, according to Amanda Seyfried. The Les Miserables star covers InStyle magazine, where she talks about everything from her dating life to her favorite former co-star.

"Channing Tatum was amazing. He's a superstar,"the 27-year-old said of her Dear John co-star. "Everybody wants to have sex with him. And the only person he wants to have sex with is his wife, Jenna [Dewan]. He's the most loyal husband."

Well, we'd hope so.

However, Seyfried isn't so lucky when it comes to love — yet.

"The thing is, I can't date anybody without it being portrayed as a serious relationship in the tabloids," she lamented to the magazine. "It sucks! Like Josh Hartnett and I were friends; we hung out, we dated. I don't actually have sex with every male I come into contact with."

That's not to say she's a prude, though. Seyfried goes on to talk about her role in the upcoming film Lovelace. The movie — based on the life of iconic porn star Linda Lovelace— required her to strip down for several scenes.

"It's not about my body. It's not about me," she said of going nude. "You're playing somebody else. You're not going to believe a love scene if the people are dressed. You're not going to believe a stripper who has on a bra and underwear the whole time. At the same time, it has to do with how comfortable you are with letting people see your skin."

"For me, I'm OK with it."

Image courtesy Dan Jackman/WENN.com

Do you agree with her assessment of Channing Tatum's sex appeal?

Amanda Seyfried's birthday lap dance from Hugh Jackman

Seyfried's co-star wanted to give her a nice birthday present. He said when the lap dance was over, "she seemed happier."

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried is one lucky girl. She has worked with some of the hottest guys in Hollywood, and her current co-star in Les Miserables, Hugh Jackman, is no exception. He spoke with Jay Leno about giving Seyfried a lap dance for her birthday this year.

"I don't know if you had heard, but I had done one for Barbara Walters all those years ago," he told Leno on The Tonight Show. "Very steamy. It had been a while and I had promised never to do it again, but Amanda's birthday was the night of one of the premieres for the movie in New York, so I was singing her 'Happy Birthday.'"

He said she “looks as sweet as pie,” but that may not actually be the case.

“Really, she's the naughtiest, cheekiest girl," Jackman added.

"Everybody's been asking me about it but I don't really remember it because I was so embarrassed," Seyfried told E! earlier in December. "I hadn't been drinking, sadly. I was really embarrassed, but in a good way. [He's] amazing. I love him so much. He could do anything."

But Seyfried did say that she was able to experience it later.

"I saw a video of it, though,” she said. “It was a nice lap dance."

Jackman told Leno that he started slowly but then "started grinding it out for her."

"She seemed happier, I don't know," he added with a smile.

Seyfried and Jackman will appear together in the much-awaited Les Miserables, which comes out on Christmas Day. Les Mis also stars some big Hollywood names, including Anne Hathaway and Russell Crowe.

The SAG and Golden Globe award nominations were both announced this week, and the film is up for some big awards next year. Hathaway and Jackman were nominated in their categories, as well as the film itself earning many of the nominations.

Photo courtesy Dan Jackman/WENN

Celebody: Harley Pasternak shows us his Hollywood Workout

Celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak is showing SheKnows how to get his most popular clients' most coveted body parts. From Rihanna’s abs to Lady Gaga’s legs, Harley shows us the secrets of his Hollywood Workout.
Rihanna performing in concert

the Bod: Rihanna, Gaga & more

Celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak is showing SheKnows how to get his most popular clients’ most coveted body parts. From Rihanna’s abs to Lady Gaga’s legs, Harley shows us the secrets of his Hollywood Workout.

So you can’t afford Hollywood’s most sought-after trainer? No problem! Harley Pasternak is making his secrets accessible to the average woman with the release of his new video game, Harley Pasternak’s Hollywood Workout.

Now you can get Eva Mendes' arms and Megan Fox's butt, all in the comfort of your own home. His video is so efficient that Pasternak’s clients use it on the road when they can’t get the real thing.

“I can’t be everywhere at once,” says Pasternak, whose client list includes Kanye West, John Mayer, and Jessica Simpson, as well as the previously mentioned divas. “My clients are always traveling, so I wanted to have the next best thing to me being there.”

What’s fun about the workout is you can even pretend to be a celeb yourself, choosing the Hollywood Hills or Malibu beach as a background for your workout. You can also choose your program, which includes the Superhero Workout, the New Mom and the Diva in Training.

“The video game is even more directive than a DVD,” Harley tells us. “It will actually count your repetitions for you. It will tell you when you’re going too fast or too slow, and the right technique. It will create a program for you and really personalize what you’re experiencing.”

But don’t take our word for it. Try these five moves Harley showed us straight from the game. Each corresponds to one of his client’s best body parts: Amanda Seyfried's arms, Megan Fox’s butt, Eva Mendes’ shoulders, Lady Gaga's legs and Rihanna's abs.

Harley Pasternak’s Hollywood Workout

"I think fitness has to be accessible to everyone. There should never be an excuse why you can’t get in great shape."

Watch: Harley Pasternak's Hollywood workout

With this workout you’ll be ready for the red carpet in no time!

“I think fitness has to be accessible to everyone,” says Pasternak. “There should never be an excuse why you can’t get in great shape. Not everyone lives in L.A. and not everyone can afford a trainer, and not everyone needs a trainer.”

Get Harley Pasternak’s Hollywood Workout today, available on Xbox and Nintendo Wii.

More celebrity fitness

The "Mark Wahlberg workout" for women
DWTS All-Star Kelly Monaco’s secret to staying thin
Get Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman curves

Photo credit: Sean Thorton/WENN.COM

Les Miserables movie review: And the Oscar goes to…

This outstanding film version of the much loved musical boasts some of the world’s most talented actors, who also have lungs of steel. By allowing them to sing live on camera, director Tom Hooper captures some of the most emotional, powerful performances we've ever seen. We dare you to get out of the theater without crying for dear Fantine.

Les Miserables

Les Miserables begins in 1815, in Toulon, France, where we meet the bedraggled Jean Valjean on a chain gang, serving a 20-year sentence for stealing a loaf of bread.

Overseeing the prisoners is Javert , a severe man of the law who sees things in black and white. He releases Valjean, but reminds him that he is still on parole. With a criminal past however, Valjean is unable to get a job.

When Valjean steals from a humane bishop and gets caught, he is shocked when the bishop forgives him and tells police to let him go. This single act of mercy transforms Valjean into a man of grace and benevolence.

Les Miserables

The beautiful, yet desperate Fantine is an unwed mother making anguished choices so that she may send money to Monsieur and Madame Thenardier , innkeepers who are taking care of her daughter, Young Cosette . Life in post-revolutionary France was harsh, and after losing her factory job, she is left with no choice but prostitution.

Valjean shuns parole and reinvents himself. When he learns that Fantine was let go from his very own factory, he takes pity on the ailing waif. He promises to retrieve little Cosette and take care of her as if she were his own.

Les Miserables is a treasure trove of visual and audio delights. Instead of recording the songs in a studio before filming and having the actors lip-sync to them, the actors wore earpieces to hear the music and then sang live on film.

Les Miserables

Anne Hathaway sings “I Dreamed a Dream” in a single take, providing the most heart-wrenching, impassioned, and haunting moments in the film. We all knew she could sing, but this performance is truly show-stopping. No mother will be able to watch this without bursting into tears.

Hugh Jackman plays a wider range of emotion, but it’s in his most vulnerable moments where he grabs us by the heart and squeezes until we think it will break. His love for Cosette is so huge, so engulfing, it changes his life, and the lives of the others around him.

Les Miserables

As the older Cosette, Amanda Seyfried’s giant cat eyes display her every emotion, supporting her dainty, angelic singing.

Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron-Cohen provide amusing comic relief as the wickedly coy shysters who not only prey on pretty Cosette, but on all of Paris.

Plucked from the stage version, Samantha Barks plays their daughter Eponine, who gracefully, sorrowfully croons “On My Own.” No doubt we’ll be seeing more of her in the future.

Bottom line: This powerful melodrama couldn’t be more exquisitely made, from the acting to the singing, to the lush visual palate. Warning: Bring a box of tissues and skip the popcorn because you’ll likely be choked up!

Photo credit: Universal Pictures

2013 Golden Globes: Who's presenting?

The 2013 Golden Globes are Sunday night, believe it or not. We've got your first look at who will be presenting the awards.

Golden Globes presenters

Get excited: We're only a few days away from the 2013 Golden Globes!

It's sure to be a memorable — and legitimately funny — show, thanks to hosts Amy Poehler and Tina Fey. But we didn't know who else would join them on stage throughout the night… until now!

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association just released the first set of presenters for the night. As you'd expect, they're all big names, including George Clooney, Will Ferrell, Nathan Fillion, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Lopez, Debra Messing, Jeremy Renner, Amanda Seyfried, Jason Statham, Meryl Streep, Kerry Washington and Kristen Wiig.

We expect more to be unveiled later this week, so stay tuned.

But back to the hosts!

Fey and Poehler finally talked seriously about their joint hosting gig.

"The big thing is that television and film get to be together so the beautiful people of film rub shoulders with the horrible, disgusting people of television. That’s always nice to see,"Poehler said in a new promo.

"I personally would like to win Best Picture. Just me, like as a person, winning Best Picture, I think would be unprecedented. Especially because I really didn’t even make a movie this year," Fey added.

OK, not so serious.

As for what we can expect from them? They promise a "drunken" and "slightly ghetto" time — and that's just on the red carpet.

Can't wait.

Photo credit: WENN.com

Tell us: Are you pumped for the 2013 Golden Globes?

Shia LaBeouf on acid and Ashton gone Steve Jobs

The Sundance Film Festival is upon us and with countless independent submissions and reviews, it's time we take a look at some of the premieres we're most looking forward to. From Shia LaBeouf drug trips to Ashton Kutcher gone Steve Jobs, 2013 is packed full of some highly anticipated flicks.

Don Jon's Addiction


Don Jon's

Topping off our list is Joseph- Gordon Levitt's directorial debut, Don Jon's Addiction. JGL stars as Jon Martello, a modern-day Don Juan-type who has a chronic habit of objectifying every aspect of his life. Despite his abilitiy to reel in dimes every weekend, his lust for more and addiction to pornography have left him feeling empty and alone. This time around, Martello's on a search for substance and sustenence in the form of lasting love. Scarlett Johansson and Julianne Moore also star. If the racy plot hasn't grabbed your attention yet, just consider this bulked-up version of Gordon-Levitt below.


The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman

Shia LaBeouf has stated before that Sean Penn's dedication to character development has been one of the motivating factors in his acting career, so it's no surprise LaBeouf dove head-first into the Sundance premiere, The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman. Fans were concerned when LaBeouf freely admitted he did LSD on set for one of the film's more intense scenes, but it appears his attention to detail and methodical ways are only growing stronger. Audiences will have to wait until the release of Nymphomaniac to see just how far LaBeouf will go, as it's been reported he took it all the way home with actress Mia Goth and may now be dating her. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves here — The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman is an action film at heart with romantic comedy themes and a gangster element that tests the love of LaBeouf and co-star Evan Rachel Wood.

Two Mothers


Two Mothers

Naomi Watts and Robin Wright command this passionate film that entails two lifelong friends who fall in love with the other's sons. Romance leads to remorse, relations to retributions, and the friendships they once had are put to the ultimate test as the two mothers struggle to confront one another with their secrets and innermost desires.



Ashton Kutcher is tackling the role of a lifetime in the form of tech mastermind Steve Jobs.The premiere is said to be a brilliant portrait of Jobs' life from 1977 to 2000 and is expected to be fueled with gritty dialogue to move the piece forward. The film will be a true test of Kutcher's abilities, straying far away from his funnyman roots.

Vergy Good Girls


Very Good Girls

Dakota Fanning, Demi Moore and Richard Dreyfuss star in Very Good Girls, a gripping movie about two lifelong friends who make a pact to lose their virginity during their first summer out of high school. But when the two fall for the same street artist, their relationship is put to its first — and ultimate — test. Fanning rarely disappoints.


Before Midnight

Jesse   and Celine are back. It's been nearly two decades since they met on that train headed for Vienna and it's safe to say they are strangers no more. That intimate night, so very long ago, has lived on throughout the years and the couple is now in their early forties strolling around the better part of Greece.

Prince Avalanche


Prince Avalanche

From director David Gordon Green comes the quirky story of two unsuspecting coworkers and the friendship that is birthed along their less-than-stellar journey. Alvin and Lance begin to slowly understand one another throughout their summer stint, repainting highway lines down a county road that was destroyed by a sprawling wildfire. Together, they begin to discover a sense of meaning and understanding for the dreams they've kept within.



Meet Amanda Seyfried as Linda Boreman — perhaps best known as Linda Lovelace — the infamous 1970s sex icon and pornstar who derailed her husband's abusive and exploitative schemes in a desperate attempt to save others from similar reigns. The film is a trial-by-fire perspective on rise, demise and redemption, and the fact that it also stars James Franco, Peter Saarsgaard and Adam Brody has us putting some serious faith in its success.

Photo credits: Scott Gardner,Sundance Institute. Jessica Miglio. , Thomas Kloss

12 Years of hairstyles at the Golden Globes

In honor of tonight's Golden Globe Awards, we’re taking a look back at some of our favorite hairstyles starting with the 57th edition of the annual awards show in 2000.

2000: Halle Berry

2000: Halle Berry

Our first look back at great hair at the Golden Globes features gorgeous Halle Berry, a winner that year for best actress in a miniseries . The hair is classic Halle: short, sexy and tousled for a look that screams award-winning confidence.

Photo credit: WENN.com

2001: Julia Roberts

2001: Julia Roberts

Not everyone can pull off the oversize updo, but if anyone can do it with poise and elegance, it’s Julia Roberts. She did it at the 2001 Golden Globes where she took top acting prize for her role in legal drama Erin Brockovich.

Photo credit: Mirek Towski/FilmMagic/Getty Images

2002: Reese Witherspoon

2002: Reese Witherspoon

Eternal sweetheart Reese Witherspoon switched things up with her tresses in 2002, and instead of keeping things long and sleek, she gave us pretty pin curls that showed off her heart-shaped face and added some sex appeal to her Golden Globes look.

Photo credit: Getty Images

2003: Kate Hudson

2003: Kate Hudson

If anyone is the consummate expert in achieving the best in beachy waves, it’s Kate Hudson who did not disappoint at the 60th annual Golden Globes. The soft, shoulder length waves looked great with her strapless Valentino dress.

Photo credit: KMazur/WireImage

2004: Charlize Theron

2004: Charlize Theron

Stunner Charlize Theron stole the show where hair was concerned in 2004 when she showed up on the red carpet in a romantic side-swept wavy style with the addition of a chic clip completing the look. The delicate yet flattering style perfectly complemented her pale yellow Dior dress.

Photo credit: FilmMagic/Getty Images

2005: Emmy Rossum

2005: Emmy Rossum

On the wrong person in the wrong outfit, ringlets don’t always make for a sophisticated hairstyle, but in 2005, Emmy Rossum really made ringlets work. They were bouncy, shiny and her hair was long enough to make the look chic versus childish.

Photo credit: Nikki Nelson/WENN

2006: Natalie Portman

2006: Natalie Portman

Some faces are made for short hair and Natalie Portman has one of those faces. Her perfect pixie cut at the 63rd Golden Globes is a great example of just how fresh, fun and gorgeous a short haircut can be.

Photo credit: Chris Burke/WENN.com

 2007: Emmanuelle Chriqui

2007: Emmanuelle Chriqui

Tanned, toned and always polished, Emmanuelle Chriqui showed up at the Golden Globes in 2007 with a wow-worthy hairstyle right out of the 1960s — and we loved it. Bouffant on top and long and tousled everywhere else, the look was perfectly suited to the mod green cocktail dress.

Photo credit: Dimitri Halkidis/WENN.com


In 2008 the Golden Globes were canceled due to the Writers Guild of America strike that started the previous fall.

2009: Elizabeth Banks

2009: Elizabeth Banks

The serious bling here really takes this award-worthy hairstyle up a few notches. We love how the sparkly accessory draws just enough attention to her look while also acting as a secondary piece of jewelry.

Photo credit: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

2010: Amanda Seyfried

2010: Amanda Seyfried

There’s something totally timeless about long, loose blond waves, and in 2010, Amanda Seyfried owned this look and made it look easy. At first glance, the style might seem too simple, but we think that’s what makes it chic.

Photo credit: Nikki Nelson/WENN.com

2011: Jennifer Westfeldt

2011: Jennifer Westfeldt

Another blonde Golden Globes look we loved was from John Hamm’s other half Jennifer Westfeldt, who wore a relaxed yet elegant style to the awards show that year. The delicate waves are well-accompanied by a sleek gown and pretty drop earrings.

Photo credit: Apega/WENN

2012: Rooney Mara

2012: Rooney Mara

Last year’s it-girl Rooney Mara offered a refreshing departure from all those longer looks and feminine updos. Her Golden Globes hairstyle was sophisticated with an edge that we thought totally suited the girl with the dragon tattoo.

Photo credit: Ian Wilson/WENN.com

More celebrity hair

Celeb Hairstyle of the Week: Bella Thorne
Celeb Hairstyle of the Week: Miranda Lambert
Celeb Hairstyle of the Week: Jana Kramer

Scott Disick was a book cover model, so was Matt Bomer

If Kourtney Kardashian's baby daddy Scott Disick is embarrassed about his former gig modeling for book covers, he shouldn't be — he's in good company with scores of other celebrities who started out on the cover of a book.

Kourtney and Scott Disick

Before Scott Disick was a Kardashian paramour, he was a model — for young adult books, that is.

Back in 2001, In Touch reports, Scott became the cover boy for a book series called Heartland by Lauren Brooke. The 25-novel series was about a fictional horse farm where horse rescuers used psychology to heal abused horses.

Disick had the right kind of puppy-dog eyes, it seemed, to portray the stable hand who ends up becoming the main character's sweet 'n' sensitive boyfriend.

Ha! The irony!

Disick wasn't on every Heartland book , just a couple. But still.

However, Disick's far from alone. Many actors started their careers by modeling for catalogs, appearing on local television commercials, and yes, book covers.

This just in: Scott Disick is still a d-bag>>

Amanda Seyfried, for example, our little Miserable, was on all three books of the young adult Victoria Martin series written by author Francine Pascal . Go ahead, look up My Mother Was Never a Kid, My First Love and Other Disasters, and Love & Betrayal & Hold the Mayo, and you'll see Seyfried's sweet teen face looking out at you.

Speaking of Francine Pascal and Sweet Valley, those who take a close look at many of the Sweet Valley covers may recognize a familiar face: Leven Rambin played a set of twins including an autistic girl on All My Children and was Glimmer in The Hunger Games. But in Sweet Valley world, she was twins Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield.

Kirsten Dunst is another former book cover model. When she was just a wee toddler, she was the model for a Baby-Sitters Club book. She's the small blonde moppet on the cover of Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls.

Matt Bomer, the heartthrob on White Collar, appeared on the cover of Rainbow Boys by Alex Sanchez, a gay young adult coming-of-age story.

And finally, Brooke Shields was the model for the young girl on the cover of Audrey Rose, a mid-1970s horror novel by Frank De Felitta that became a popular horror movie not starring Brooke Shields .

Photo credit: WENN.com

Whitney Port picks the SAG Awards best dressed

Fashion designer Whitney Port knows a thing or two about good design. That's why we asked her to give us the inside scoop on who she thought was best dressed at the 2013 SAG Awards!
Whitney Port
The SAG Awards

Whitney's best dressed picks

Fashion designer Whitney Port knows a thing or two about good design. That's why we asked her to give us the inside scoop on who she thought was best dressed at the 2013 SAG Awards!

Kerry Washington

Kerry Washington at the 2013 SAG Awards

Whitney is all about Kerry Washington's Rodarte gown, thanks to its striking winter white and lace elements.

"I also loved that it was two pieces as opposed to the traditional dress,"Whitney told SheKnows.

Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts at the 2013 SAG Awards

The Impossible star Naomi Watts looks, well, impossibly gorgeous in her white Marchesa gown, according to Whitney.

"Very classically beautiful!" the designer said. "Loved the femininity and softness of the dress."

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried at the 2013 SAG Awards

Les Miserables star Amanda Seyfried opted for a navy Zac Posen fishtail gown. A fabulous choice, according to Whitney.

"I always love a navy gown and I think hers looked simple and streamlined but very chic," she said.

Jessica Chastain

Jessica Chastain at the 2013 SAG Awards

Zero Dark Thirty star Jessica Chastain in Alexander McQueen made Whitney's best dressed list. Why? It makes a serious statement, just like the actress does on screen.

"I also always love cherry red dresses," Whitney said. "It was a beautiful complement to her coloring. Very similar silhouette to Amanda Seyfried's."

Helen Hunt

Helen Hunt at the 2013 SAG Awards

The Sessions actress Helen Hunt stole the red carpet in her Romona Keveza gown, according to Whitney.

"The metallic beading of her dress was beautiful," Whitney said. "Loved that it was a simple shape but a stand out fabric and texture."

Jaimie Alexander

Jaime Alexander at the 2013 SAG Awards

The Last Stand stunner Jaimie Alexander turned up the heat on the red carpet with her sultry Marc Bouwer gown.

"Super sexy and love the cut outs," Whitney said. "Tastefully done."

Tell us

Who was your pick for best dressed at the 2013 SAG Awards? Share in the comments below!

About Whitney Port

Whitney Port is not just another pretty face in Hollywood, she's an entrepreneur, fashion designer and a role model for young women. Paving her own way in the fashion world, Whitney is the creator and founder of the Whitney Eve collection, as well as two new lines, WE by Whitney Eve and Bits & Bobs by Whitney Eve. By combining signature styles from her overarching Whitney Eve collection, WE by Whitney Eve offers modern fashion to women at an affordable price. Bits & Bobs by Whitney Eve entered the jewelry world in 2012 with costume rationale and a vintage inspired aesthetic. Made from mixed metals and vintage chains, hard punk edge is fused with quirky ladylike charm resulting in an array of keepsakes. Whitney Eve's collections evoke a girly nature with a touch of punchy sass that distinguishes itself from the rest. All three lines are sold in select boutiques nation-wide, retailers internationally and are available on whitneyeve.com.

If Whitney wasn't busy enough, she recently penned the book True Whit; a go-to-guide for young women that includes advice on rearranging closets, decorating, makeup, cooking, dating and fashion tips. It's the one-stop shop into the mind of Whitney Port! To check out videos, news, photos and more on Whitney, head over to her blog at whitneyport.com.

Take a look at the SAG Awards red carpet photo gallery>>

Watch: Whitney Port shares her favorite looks from the SAG Awards

Photo credits: Getty

The SAG Awards

Whitney Port talks beauty trends at the 2013 SAG Awards

Designer Whitney Port knows fashion, but she also has a few opinions about celeb makeup and hair at the 2013 SAG Awards.
Whitney Port
The SAG Awards

Whitney Port rates SAG Awards beauty

Designer Whitney Port knows fashion, but she also has a few opinions about celeb makeup and hair at the 2013 SAG Awards.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence at the 2013 SAG awards

Jennifer Lawrence went soft and sexy for her 2013 SAG Awards hairstyle.

"She went for the cool texture and pin backed side,"Whitney said. "Her color is also so pretty, a warm chestnut."

How to get Jennifer Lawrence's hairstyle>> 

Marion Cotillard

Marion Cotillard at the 2013 SAG Awards

French actress Marion Cotillard looks gorgeous whether she's wearing her hair long or short, but Whitney prefers the bob.

"I love Marion Cotillard's bob," she said. "Very cool."

Sofia Vergara and Jennifer Garner

Sofia Vergara at the 2013 SAG Awards

Jennifer Garner at the 2013 SAG Awards

Sofia Vergara and Jennifer Garner went with soft, sexy waves — a good choice, according to Whitney.

"I loved the texture of Jennifer Garner and Sofia Vergara's hair," the designer told SheKnows.

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried at the 2013 SAG Awards

Amanda Seyfried killed it with her Zac Posen fishtail gown. She paired the dramatic dress with equally-as-dramatic eye makeup.

"LoveAmanda Seyfried's natural glossy lips and eyes," she said.

Claire Danes

Claire Danes at the 2013 SAG Awards

Homeland star Claire Danes went back to her My So-Called Life days with super dark lips. It worked, though.

"Claire Danes' dark, vamp lips were cool," Whitney said. "I want to try this trend but haven't had the right occasion."

Maybe your next red carpet appearance, Whitney?

About Whitney Port

Whitney Port is not just another pretty face in Hollywood — she's an entrepreneur, fashion designer and a role model for young women. Paving her own way in the fashion world, Whitney is the creator and founder of the Whitney Eve collection, as well as two new lines, WE by Whitney Eve and Bits & Bobs by Whitney Eve. By combining signature styles from her overarching Whitney Eve collection, WE by Whitney Eve offers modern fashion to women at an affordable price. Bits & Bobs by Whitney Eve entered the jewelry world in 2012 with costume rationale and a vintage inspired aesthetic. Made from mixed metals and vintage chains, hard punk edge is fused with quirky ladylike charm resulting in an array of keepsakes. Whitney Eve's collections evoke a girly nature with a touch of punchy sass that distinguishes itself from the rest. All three lines are sold in select boutiques nationwide, retailers internationally and are available on whitneyeve.com.

If Whitney wasn't busy enough, she recently penned the book True Whit, a go-to-guide for young women that includes advice on rearranging closets, decorating, makeup, cooking, dating and fashion tips. It's the one-stop shop into the mind of Whitney Port! To check out videos, news, photos and more on Whitney, head over to her blog at whitneyport.com.

Watch: Whitney Port shares her favorite looks from the SAG Awards

Photo credits: Getty

The SAG Awards

2013 SAG Awards hair: Ladies love side parts

Julianne Moore, Claire Danes and more celebs recalled old Hollywood glamour with their deep side parts at the 2013 SAG Awards.
A-listers go old-Hollywood glam
Julianne Moore at the 2013 SAG Awards

SAG Awards: Get the look

Julianne Moore, Claire Danes and more celebs recalled old Hollywood glamour with their deep side parts at the 2013 SAG Awards.

Julianne Moore

Chris McMillan was the hair expert responsible for Game Change star Julianne Moore's shiny strands and deep side part. The inspiration? Old Hollywood glamour, of course.

"I was most inspired by style icon Veronica Lake and the blonde in the new Dior campaigns," McMillan told SheKnows. "Her Van Cleef & Arpels earrings were amazing, so we wanted to tuck her hair behind her ears to make sure they weren't invisible."

To create the style, McMillan applied Living Proof Prime Style Extender to Moore's damp, towel-dried hair and combed it through.

"Prime Style Extender gave me the sleek, healthy hair I needed for styling," McMillan said.

Then, he parted the hair on the left and blow-dried it straight with a large, round brush. Once it was dry, he applied Firm Hold Hair Spray as a heat protector and used a 1.5-inch curling iron to create an S-curve with her bang, playing up her eyes and keeping her strands away from her face.

"I then used the same iron to bend the ends under, curling the iron in a counterclockwise motion," McMillan continued. "I wanted the look to be glossy, sleek and simple."

Mission accomplished!

Jessica Chastain

Jessica Chastain at the 2013 SAG Awards

Zero Dark Thirty star Jessica Chastain reminded us of another famous Jessica — Jessica Rabbit, that is — with her red Alexander Wang gown and side-parted strands. Hairstylist Renato Campora created the look on behalf of Vidal Sassoon Pro Series.

Get the look:

  1. Prep wet hair with Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Boost & Lift Foaming Air Mousse for volume without weight.
  2. Spray Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Heat Protect & Shine Spray to protect the hair from blow-dryer heat.
  3. Blow-dry the hair with a round brush. Once hair is dry, part it on one side to give extra volume.
  4. Use a 1.5-inch curling iron to curl the ends for a soft wave. When hair is cool, brush the curls out with a thin-toothed comb to soften the look.
  5. Finish with Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Extra Firm Hold Hairspray around the face to make it stay in place with natural movement.

Claire Danes

Claire Danes at the 2013 SAG Awards

Hairstylist Peter Butler pulled Claire Danes' hair back into a low ponytail with a soft side part.

"If we try and make this Hollywood, it just won't work," he recalled telling the Homeland actress, so he kept it looking youthful, yet elegant, with soft pieces around the face.

"The dress is very sharp looking and I wanted to soften it by giving her a cool 'New York girl' style," he continued.

Get the look:

  1. Apply MATRIX Amplify Foam Volumizer evenly throughout wet hair to provide hold.
  2. Add texture and volume by adding Total Results Blonde Care Flash Filler Sheer Mist to the ends so they'll smooth out nicely.
  3. Dry the hair with a medium, round brush.
  4. Brush the hair into a side part and add a bit of BIOLAGE Exquisite Oil Replenishment Treatment to smooth stray hairs.
  5. Add Applied Design Pulse Mega Dust to the roots at the crown and lightly tease to provide height.
  6. Gather hair at the nape of the neck, leaving some pieces out in the front, and secure with a bungee elastic, joining the two hooks underneath the tail.
  7. Lightly spray Total Results Amplify Hairspray to keep it all together without adding stiffness.
  8. Finish with a few sprays of Blonde Care Flash Filler Sheer Mist to bring out the natural shine of the hair.

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried at the 2013 SAG Awards

Suave Professionals stylist Jenny Cho was responsible for Amanda Seyfried's sexy style.

"My inspiration for the hair was the bottom of her beautiful dress — the layers of ruffles on her fishtail dress cascading down to the floor were so elegant," Cho said.

Get the look:

  1. Wash and condition hair with Suave Professionals Moroccan Infusion Shine Shampoo and Conditioner.
  2. Blow-dry with a large, round brush.
  3. Make a deep side part and separate strands into four or five large sections. Wind each section around a large curling iron and hold for a few seconds.
  4. Spritz a paddle brush with Suave Professionals Touchable Finish Lightweight Hold Hairspray to create a softer, wavy look.
  5. Bring hair to one side and tuck behind the ear. Secure with a duckbill clip.
  6. Add a few drops of Suave Professionals Moroccan Infusion Styling Oil to your palms and work through the hair.
  7. Remove the clip.

Tell us

Who had the best side part at the 2013 SAG Awards? Sound off in the comments below!

More SAG Awards celeb style

Get the look: Nicole Kidman's hair at the 2013 SAG Awards
Anya says: 2013 SAG Awards red-carpet trends
Whitney Port talks beauty trends at the 2013 SAG Awards

SAG Awards 2013

Photos: WENN.com

Black and blue (dresses) all over the SAG Awards red carpet

There was a common trend among female celebs at the 2013 SAG Awards: dark dresses — specifically, black and blue gowns. We've rounded up a few of our favorites, but who do you think looked the best?

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried at the 2013 SAG Awards

Les Miserables stunner Amanda Seyfried was one of the best dressed of the night in her navy Zac Posen fishtail gown.

Amy Poehler

Amy Poehler at the 2013 SAG Awards

Parks & Recreation star Amy Poehler is as sexy as she is funny in her form-fitting black gown by Zuhair Murad. Eat your heart out, Will Arnett.

Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway at the 2013 SAG Awards

Best Supporting Actress winner Anne Hathaway looked like a dark princess in her Giambattista Valli couture dress and custom vegan Jimmy Choo shoes.

Busy Philipps

Busy Philipps at the 2013 SAG Awards

SheKnows Mommaloguer Busy Philipps "embraced the baby bump" at the 2013 SAG Awards. The Cougar Town actress opted for a Gabriela Cadena gown that showcased her growing belly. FYI: She's due in June!

Claire Danes

Claire Danes at the 2013 SAG Awards

Homeland actress Claire Danes wowed us with her one-shouldered black gown by Givenchy. However, it was her dark lipstick that really caught our eye.

Jaimie Alexander

Jaimie Alexander at the 2013 SAG Awards

The Last Stand stunner Jaimie Alexander made a serious splash on the red carpet in her black  Marc Bouwer gown, complete with side cutouts.

January Jones

January Jones at the 2013 SAG Awards

We weren't sold on the look, but Mad Men star January Jones did made quite the splash in her edgy 'do and Prabal Gurung gown.

Jenna Fischer

Jenna Fischer at the 2013 SAG Awards

The Office star Jenna Fischer is one of the quiet ones on the red carpet, but you can always count on her to look smokin' hot. Case in point? The Jenny Packham gown she wore to the 2013 SAG Awards. We definitely understand why Jim loves Pam so much.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence at the 2013 SAG Awards

Jennifer Lawrence was sick at the 2013 SAG Awards, but you wouldn't know it. The Silver Linings Playbook actress looked incredible in her navy Christian Dior Haute Couture gown.

Michelle Dockery

Michelle Dockery at the 2013 SAG Awards

Downton Abbey star Michelle Dockery looked seriously sexy in her Chado Ralph Rucci gown — complete with lots of sideboob!

Naya Rivera

Naya Rivera at the 2013 SAG Awards

Glee star Naya Rivera went black in her Donna Karan Atelier gown.

Tina Fey

Tina Fey at the 2013 SAG awards

Tina Fey looked seriously sexy in her black belted gown by Oscar de la Renta.

Tell us

Who looked the best in black and blue at the 2013 SAG Awards? Sound off in the comments below!

More SAG Awards style

Get the look: Nicole Kidman's hair at the 2013 SAG Awards
Anya says: 2013 SAG Awards red-carpet trends
Get the look: Jennifer Lawrence's SAG Awards hair

SAG Awards 2013

Photo credits: WENN.com

Friday's Fashion Obsessions: Nina Dobrev and Amanda Seyfried

It's Friday's Fashion Obsessions SAG Awards edition! Find out which celeb styles made me do a double take this week.

Nina Dobrev

Nina Dobrev

The lovely Nina Dobrev looked pretty in pink at the SAG Awards in her hot pink Elie Saab short sleeve gown. On a red carpet where blacks and blues were all the rage, the bright hue was a welcome surprise!

The star of The Vampire Diaries is still in the early stages of her red carpet style evolution, but I can already tell that she's one worth watching. Nina looked darling in this punchy pink hue and the short-sleeve was a nice departure from her uniform of sleeveless and strapless gowns.

From the chic updo and soft makeup to her glittery accessories, Nina brought a nice dose of color to the red carpet Sunday night. Something else I'm digging? Those lacy slits! Cutouts are making a comeback and have been showing up on all of Hollywood's hottest stars, and this was a classy way to work the trend for the red carpet.

The final verdict? She might not star in Oscar-worthy movies just yet, but mark my word, Nina is one to watch — professionally and style-wise.

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried

I know I'm not the only one obsessing over Amanda Seyfried's stunning navy Zac Posen gown. The Les Miserables star has been topping best dressed lists all over the web this week and for good reason.

Sure, she practically had to hold on to her publicist the whole length of the red carpet to walk in that monstrosity of a train, but any inconvenience was well worth it if you ask me! Amanda created a major fashion moment with this dress. Everything from the way the navy hue complements her delicate skin tone to the way her hair flows ever so perfectly over her shoulder wows me.

Another thing I love? That necklace! At first I was kind of iffy, thinking that Amanda should have paired the look with a more dainty necklace, but the more I studied the ensemble, the more I came to love the way the long pendant adds a more casual element to what is otherwise a totally glam look.

The final verdict? I have a feeling that this isn't the last we'll see of this gem of a dress. Yep folks, this is going to be one of the SAG Awards dresses that will live in fashion history for a long time to come.

More fashion obsessions

Friday's Fashion Obsessions: Kate Mara and Jessica Alba
Friday's Fashion Obsessions: Emmy Rossum and Hayden Panettiere
Friday's Fashion Obsessions: Sarah Hyland and Lisa Rinna

Photo credits: Brian To/WENN.com

Whitney Port on Oscars makeup: "Fresh and glowing"

Celebrities went demure with their 2013 Academy Awards makeup — and designer Whitney Port loved it! We asked her to break down her favorite makeup looks from this year's red carpet. Spoiler alert: She loves the soft, pastel look!
Whitney Port
The Academy Awards

Whitney talks Oscars makeup

Celebrities went demure with their 2013 Academy Awards makeup — and designer Whitney Port loved it! We asked her to break down her favorite makeup looks from this year's red carpet. Spoiler alert: She loves the soft, pastel look!

Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway Oscars makeup

Oscar winner Anne Hathaway paired her pretty pink Prada gown with a deeper pink lip.

"I really liked Anne Hathaway's bubble gum pink lip," Whit said. "I loved how it complemented her blush color dress."

Whitney Port picks the best-dressed ladies at the Oscars>>

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron's makeup at the 2013 Oscars

Charlize Theron paired her perfect hair with equally-as-perfect neutral makeup.

"Her skin is always glowing and it never looks caked on," the designer said. "She looked youthful, fresh and glowing."

Whitney Port is crazy about sharp-dressed men >>

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried's makeup at the 2013 Oscars

Whitney fell in love with the "pretty pastel lid"Amanda Seyfried wore with her Alexander McQueen gown because it made her think of spring.

"I thought it was super springy and something different to complement her simple dress," Whit said.

Jessica Chastain

Jessica Chastain makeup at the 2013 Academy Awards

Jessica Chastain was all about the Old Hollywood glamour on the red carpet, thanks to her gold Georgio Armani gown and bright red lips.

"She was the only one with this! Love a redhead with a red lip," Port said.

Whitney Port on Jessica Chastain: She was "too safe" >>

Tell us

Which A-lister had the best beauty look at the 2013 Academy Awards? Sound off in the comments below!

About Whitney Port

Whitney Port is not just another pretty face in Hollywood — she's an entrepreneur, fashion designer and a role model for young women. Paving her own way in the fashion world, Whitney is the creator and founder of the Whitney Eve collection, as well as two new lines, WE by Whitney Eve and Bits & Bobs by Whitney Eve. By combining signature styles from her overarching Whitney Eve collection, WE by Whitney Eve offers modern fashion to women at an affordable price. Bits & Bobs by Whitney Eve entered the jewelry world in 2012 with costume rationale and a vintage-inspired aesthetic. Made from mixed metals and vintage chains, hard punk edge is fused with quirky, ladylike charm resulting in an array of keepsakes. Whitney Eve's collections evoke a girly nature with a touch of punchy sass that distinguishes itself from the rest. All three lines are sold in select boutiques nationwide, retailers internationally and are available on whitneyeve.com.

If Whitney wasn't busy enough, she recently penned the book True Whit; a go-to-guide for young women that includes advice on rearranging closets, decorating, makeup, cooking, dating and fashion tips. It's the one-stop shop into the mind of Whitney Port! To check out videos, news, photos and more on Whitney, head over to her blog at whitneyport.com.

Read on for more Academy Awards fashion

Jennifer Lawrence goes bridal in the best way possible at the Oscars
Kerry Washington shines at the 2013 Academy Awards
Naomi Watts dazzles in a futuristic Oscars gown

Photos credits: Adriana M. Barazza/WENN.com and Apega/WENN.com

Whitney Port on Oscars hair: Sexy and retro!

Whitney Port noticed a definite hair trend on the red carpet at the 2013 Academy Awards: "messy, sexy updos" and "retro side part waves." Every A-lister looked amazing, but the designer weighed in on her favorite hair looks of the night.
Whitney Port
The Academy Awards

Whitney picks best Oscars hair

Whitney Port noticed a definite hair trend on the red carpet at the 2013 Academy Awards: "messy, sexy updos" and "retro side part waves." Every A-lister looked amazing, but the designer weighed in on her favorite hair looks of the night.

Amanda Seyfried hair at the Oscars

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried vamped it up in her custom Alexander McQueen gown, but the most memorable part of her ensemble was her hair, according to Whitney.

"I thought Amanda Seyfried's messy, sexy updo was really pretty," the designer said.

Whitney Port on Jessica Chastain: She was "too safe" >>

Amy Adams at the Oscars

Amy Adams

Amy Adams went retro princess with her gorgeous strands and full Oscar de la Renta gown, Whitney said.

"It was very '60s-esque and looked very cool with her dress," she told us.

Whitney Port is crazy about sharp-dressed men >>

Charlize Theron hair at the Oscars

Charlize Theron

South African beauty Charlize Theron is growing out her hair from a short buzz cut, but she makes it look fab.

"I loved Charlize's hair. It was simple and chic and I wish I could pull it off," Whitney said of the short crop.

Whitney Port picks the best-dressed ladies at the Oscars>>

The red carpet was missing...

Despite all the red carpet wins, there were a few hairstyles missing from the red carpet, according to Whitney.

"Slicked back hair, straight hair and ponytails were all missing from the red carpet," she said.

Tell us

Who had the best hair at the 2013 Academy Awards? Sound off in the comments below!

About Whitney Port

Whitney Port is not just another pretty face in Hollywood — she's an entrepreneur, fashion designer and a role model for young women. Paving her own way in the fashion world, Whitney is the creator and founder of the Whitney Eve collection, as well as two new lines, WE by Whitney Eve and Bits & Bobs by Whitney Eve. By combining signature styles from her overarching Whitney Eve collection, WE by Whitney Eve offers modern fashion to women at an affordable price. Bits & Bobs by Whitney Eve entered the jewelry world in 2012 with costume rationale and a vintage-inspired aesthetic. Made from mixed metals and vintage chains, hard punk edge is fused with quirky, ladylike charm resulting in an array of keepsakes. Whitney Eve's collections evoke a girly nature with a touch of punchy sass that distinguishes itself from the rest. All three lines are sold in select boutiques nationwide, retailers internationally and are available on whitneyeve.com.

If Whitney wasn't busy enough, she recently penned the book True Whit; a go-to-guide for young women that includes advice on rearranging closets, decorating, makeup, cooking, dating and fashion tips. It's the one-stop shop into the mind of Whitney Port! To check out videos, news, photos and more on Whitney, head over to her blog at whitneyport.com.

Read on for more Academy Awards fashion

Anne Hathaway's last-minute Oscars dress switch
Naomi Watts dazzles in a futuristic Oscars gown
Zoe Saldana: Fabulous in Alexis Mabille Couture

Photo credits: Adriana M. Barazza/WENN.com and Apega/WENN.com

Anne Hathaway's nipples get their own Twitter account

Anne Hathaway looked gorgeous in the pale-pink Prada she chose for the Oscars last night. But one aspect of her look is getting all the attention.

Anne Hathaway and her perky bust line

"Anyone else feeling a little chilly?" That's what Anne Hathaway's nipples were asking at last night's Oscars — that is, if the Twitter feed AnneHathawayNipples is to be believed.

The satirical account appeared almost immediately after the Best Supporting Actress award-winner said on the red carpet that she'd chosen the dress just three hours before she had to be at the ceremony.

"I was working too hard!" she laughed. "This was the one that spoke to me in the end. I like it."

Hathaway's choice of the Prada came as a surprise to designer Valentino, who had created a custom-made dress for the actress to wear for her big night.

According to Fashionista, the actress impulsively changed her mind about the dress when she saw Amanda Seyfried's gown, a lace Alexander McQueen number that Hathaway thought was too similar to her own Valentino dress.

Whitney Port on Oscars makeup: "Fresh and glowing">>

Not wanting to compete with one of her Les Misérables co-stars, Hathaway "freaked out" and asked stylist Rachel Zoe to bring in several dress choices ASAP.

So was that why the bust darts on the Prada gown lay awkwardly on Hathaway's bust, creating the illusion of permanently erect nipples? No time to tailor?

No one's talking today. Except for @HathawayNipple, which posted last night, "We'd just like to point out that we won Best Supporting Actress without *any* support" and "SO glad we didn't poke Kristin Chenoweth's eyes out." Ha ha!

Starting snarky Twitter accounts to comment slyly on the Oscars is beginning to be a bit of a trend. @AngiesRightLeg started its life just after the 2012 Oscars; last night it posted "just say no to @hathawaynipples SHE is NO ME!"

Image courtesy Apega/WENN.com

Why Anne Hathaway wore Prada to the Oscars

Anne Hathaway pulled the ole "last-minute switcharoo" at the Oscars. Now, we finally know why she ditched Valentino for Prada.

Anne Hathaway

It's all Amanda Seyfried's fault!

Oscar-winning actress Anne Hathaway was supposed to wear a custom Valentino creation to the 2013 Academy Awards — and Valentino even sent out a media alert with the scoop — but then Hathaway showed up in that pink Prada gown.

Everyone wanted to know: What in the world happened?

She wasn't snubbing Valentino — it just turned out that the dress was too similar to the Alexander McQueen gown Seyfried was wearing to the ceremony, according to sources.

Anne Hathaway's nipples get their own Twitter account >>

It apparently all went down a few hours before the Oscars. According to US Weekly, Hathaway texted her Les Misérables co-star to see her dress.

"What are you wearing? Can you send me a picture of it?'" Hathaway texted Seyfried, according to the source.

What do the stars' Oscars styles reveal about their personalities? >>

And the dresses were just too similar, so she switched.

Hathaway didn't get into the designer drama on the red carpet though, telling Ryan Seacrest that the dress was one "that spoke to me."

"My dress is Prada, and I didn't know what I was wearing until about three hours ago," she added to the E! News host.

"Procrastination?" Seacrest inquired.

"No, I think I was just working too hard," she answered back.

Whitney Port on Oscars makeup: "Fresh and glowing" >>

And now she's apologizing for it.

"It came to my attention late Saturday night that there would be a dress worn to the Oscars that is remarkably similar to the Valentino I had intended to wear, and so I decided it was best for all involved to change my plans," she told People Tuesday afternoon.

"Though I love the dress I did wear, it was a difficult last-minute decision as I had so looked forward to wearing Valentino in honor of the deep and meaningful relationship I have enjoyed with the house and with Valentino himself," she continued. "I deeply regret any disappointment caused."

No apology necessary, Anne! It's your choice, after all.

Tell us

Did you like Anne Hathaway's Prada dress at the 2013 Academy Awards? Sound off in the comments below!

Read on for more Academy Awards fashion

Get the look: Jennifer Lawrence's Oscars hair
Whitney Port on Jessica Chastain: She was "too safe"
Naomi Watts dazzles in a futuristic Oscars gown

Photo: Adriana M. Barazza/WENN.com

Did Anne Hathaway have an Oscar-sized meltdown?

The backlash against newly minted Oscar winner Anne Hathaway continues. This time, it's about a reported meltdown during Oscar rehearsals once she found out Amanda Seyfried was going to wear a similar dress.

Anne Hathaway

Can't a gal just sit back, relax and enjoy her Oscar win? Apparently not, if your name is Anne Hathaway.

Since her Sunday win at the Dolby Theatre, the Les Misérables actress has been plagued with criticism about her acceptance speech, the last-minute dress switch fiasco and now a reported meltdown during Oscar rehearsals on Saturday.

US Weekly is exclusively reporting that the Oscar winner was very upset when she learned that her co-star Amanda Seyfried's Alexander McQueen gown was very similar to the custom-made Valentino that Hathaway planned to wear to the ceremony.

A source reported to US Weekly, "Anne was like 'WTF?!' She started throwing a fit!"

While the newlywed "never told Amanda she had to change the dress," it still bothered Seyfried, who left the rehearsal after the incident.

Hathway's uncertainty over the gown similarities spilled into Oscar Sunday, when her entire beauty team was left waiting in the wings for the final choice.

Another source for US Weekly said, "Anne made the fashion, makeup, hair and jewelry teams wait at her home for hours as she decided what to do about the dress debacle."

Perhaps nerves for the big night got the best of the star since she asked the entire team helping her get ready "for silence so she could rehearse her singing for the Les Mis tribute at the Oscars. It was a painfully long experience."

Anne Hathaway's nipples get their own Twitter account>>

Once Hathaway hit that red carpet, we all know what happened. Her dress received mixed reviews, and she even issued her own public apology to Valentino after their publicist had sent the media information on the dress she was supposed to wear on the red carpet.

The first source from US Weekly weighed in on the dress issue: "I kind of can't understand why Anne didn't wear the Valentino gown, anyway. She was the one winning the award, not Amanda. Who cares?"

Do you think Anne Hathaway should have worn the Valentino gown instead?

Image courtesy of Adriana M. Barraza/WENN.com

Best dressed at the Oscars CTA

Man Candy Mondays: Dominic Cooper

A U.K. beauty with a flair for small but challenging roles, Dominic Cooper is dark, smart, and oh-so-sexy. We're betting this Dead Man Down star is going to be a big time breakout star soon, so we're basking in his deliciously mysterious glow before he becomes a household name.

Man Candy Monday: Dominic Cooper

Dominic Cooper

Our British Dream beau

A rakish U.K. lad with a flair for small but challenging roles, Dominic Cooper is dark, smart and oh-so-sexy. We're betting this Dead Man Down star is going to be a big time breakout star soon, so we're basking in his deliciously mysterious glow before he becomes a household name.

Why we love him

A serious actor with a face that makes us think only of playtime, Dominic Cooper is poised to be the next big thing — which is why we're paying him homage before the fangirls start swarming.

Dominic Cooper

Born: June 2, 1978

Hometown: London, England

Height: 5' 9-1/2"

He's an extremely versatile actor

Dominic has played roles as diverse as a vampire in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter to Saddam Hussein's brutally violent son Uday in The Devil's Double. Inhabiting difficult characters is all in a day's work for Dom, but inhabiting a historical figure like Uday onscreen was still a challenge, he says:

"All that I could think about when needing to get into his head space ... was that I suppose that he had an extremely volatile, awful upbringing,"he told NPR. "Any son of a dictator, I'm sure, has major issues with their relationship with their father. Saddam certainly didn't believe in Uday's military capabilities. He wasn't ever going to ... give him the reins of power."

We can't wait to see what he does with his newest role in New York City crime drama Dead Man Down, in theaters now.

He leads with his humility

So now that Dom's been in flicks ranging from Captain America to My Week With Marilyn, you'd think he'd feel firmly entrenched in the Hollywood scene. Not so, according to him. He's still counting his blessings.

"It’s funny, I never think I’m doing that well. I’ve never, ever. I just constantly think this isn’t working out. I feel very fortunate, always…"he told Collider. "There’s absolutely no security, there’s nothing saying that this will still be happening, or you will be doing something this exciting. You are just constantly ready to fall. But maybe everyone feels like that."

We know we do sometimes — let's commiserate a deux, Dom!

Dominc Cooper in Mama Mia

He's happy with his lot

His serious roles aside, he's also famous for one very different movie: Mamma Mia! Specifically, that scene in which he's astride a Jet Ski. But he's cool with fans coming up to him and chatting about his musical work . Here's what he told GQ about the ABBA epic:

"People come up to me all the time and say, 'Mamma Mia! is my favorite film, and when my grandmother was really ill, we all watched it together. It made us really happy.' That means a lot."

We have the sudden urge to rewatch that film — and Dominic's entire filmography.

Dominic Cooper's relationship status

Amanda Seyfried, Dom's co-star in Mamma Mia!, famously said in 2011 that he broke her heart. But that's all in the past — he's currently dating actress Ruth Negga, whom he met back in 2009, when they were co-starring in Phaedra at London’s National Theatre. The boy loves his leading ladies, that's for sure. He's tight-lipped about his personal life for the most part, but he has said this about dating women he works with:

“I have a feeling that has a lot to do with youth,"he told the U.K.'s Telegraph, "but also because there are parts where for 12 hours on that day you are portraying someone who is so in love that they are on the cusp of insanity — so you can understand that dynamic chemistry.”

And we understand why they'd be game to tangle with Dom!

More British sex bombs

Man Candy Mondays: David Beckham
Man Candy Mondays: Colin Firth
Man Candy Mondays: Josh Bowman

Photo credit: Getty, Universal Pictures via WENN.com

Epic: Animated films reflect a new generation for girls

The era of damsels-in-distress as the central theme in animated films is taking a backseat to a new generation of strong, fierce women who lead by example. SheKnows gets a sneak peek at this spring's animated film, Epic.


Generations of girls have grown up with animated films sending the message of "someday, my prince will come." That tide is starting to change as film studios realize that having a strong female central character is actually a selling point for a story.

Pixar ushered in the start of a new generation of heroines with the Oscar-winning film Brave. The story revolved around a young girl fighting for her independence when she can only rely on her own courage to battle her way out of the obstacles before her. Merida in Brave turned out to be the first young heroine audiences have seen in a Pixar film.

Movie studios produced animated films for years that would revolve around strong box-office sales and theme-related merchandising. For girls, this often meant marketing a princess doll and dress-up clothing to them while boys were targeted with cars and swords.

Brave brought on a new level of toys aimed at girls from an archery set to a journal, and even a deluxe figure collection. While Disney still sold Merida wigs, dresses and dolls, there was not one pink item in sight. Movie marketing has grown up.


This successful trend brings in two new films in 2013 that feature girls as forces of nature in the title roles, including Pixar's Frozen and 20th Century Fox's Epic. SheKnows was able to get a sneak peek at an exclusive clip from Epic before it reaches theaters in the late spring.

Epic centers on a young teen, Mary Katherine, who seeks to mend her struggling relationship with her dad. Her dad is an eccentric professor whose work takes him into the deep forest where he believes bands of small people live. Mary Katherine finds herself transported into that deep forest where she encounters a whole new world. She battles forces of evil and eventually discovers her dad was right all along. The journey takes Mary Katherine on adventures she never thought possible while her untapped inner strength helps her to save both worlds: in the forest and out of the forest.

Ice Age: Continental Drift: Scrat voices>>

Director Chris Wedge, whose work is familiar to audiences from his Ice Age series, is not only telling Mary Katherine's story, but he's also bringing in Queen Tara, who rules life in the colorful world. There is no forest without her and every scene with her shows her authority and agility in the action sequences. The damsel-in-distress characters of the past are nothing but a distant memory.

Wedge told SheKnows that he received a lot of feedback about one enthusiastic young pod character from the forest who steps up in battle and "shows her spunk by clocking one of the evil Boggans."


Audiences are eager to see inspiring female protagonists on-screen because it reflects our modern world where women have choices and our dreams can be limitless in the U.S. An important aspect to bringing these characters to life was casting the right voices.

Wedge revealed, "We brought our wish list to the casting department at 20th Century Fox and they worked their magic. It was easy to get many of our top choices because of the strong plot in Epic."

Fans of Beyoncé will be eager to see her portray Queen Tara because it showcases the talented singer's signature confidence through the character. Les Misérables star Amanda Seyfried voices Mary Katherine and the Ice Age director had some incredible things to say about the young star.

He said, "Amanda has that raw talent that you just want to work with. She has the ability to get into character, do the work, nail the scene, and then snap right out of it. That's a very rare quality."

Ice Age: Continental Drift featurette with director Chris Wedge>>

Another important aspect to Epic is the father/daughter relationship. Mary Katherine is initially conflicted about her dad, voiced by actor Jason Sudeikis, but her personal journey makes her realize how important he is.

Wedge shared, "Mary Katherine winds up believing in her dad in very emotionally satisfying ways."

Audiences will have to wait until May 24 to see the gorgeous, lush colors of the world created by Blue Sky Studios. However, with a strong point of view and a score by legendary film composer Danny Elfman, families will have a wonderful film to share together and one that will appeal to both genders.

Take a look at a clip from Epic.

Images courtesy of Blue Sky Studios
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